NEWVIEW Project KV 2022

Unlocking Hidden Layers in the City

NEWVIEW is a project jointly curated by the Japanese xR creation platform STYLY Inc., the trendy department store PARCO Shibuya, and Loftwork, aimed at establishing a global creator community of xR experience. Since 2018, NEWVIEW has organised various forms of lectures, workshops, and creator gatherings in Japan, Taiwan, New York, London, Bangkok, and other locations. It explores the possibilities of experiencing xR charm in the fields of fashion, culture, and art.

The theme for 2022, "Hidden Layer," seeks to unravel the intricate layers of physical urban spaces and expand the application of xR more broadly in daily life, exploring and expanding new possibilities in urban experiences. The key visual concept extends real-life scenes, turning the entire city into an open xR laboratory. Collaborating with the popular Taiwanese illustrator ikuiku studio, the project aims to create fun scenarios for xR application in the city, such as coexisting with prehistoric creatures, integrating technology for people with disabilities into the urban environment, and implementing smart signage.

Project_ NEWVIEW 2022 Hidden Layer
STYLY Inc., PARCO Shibuya

Project Direction_ Tim Wong
Project Management_ Paul Yeh
Creative Direction, Art Direction_ Joy Hsieh
Illustration_ ikuiku studio


NEWVIEW Project KV 2022